Home    Anode Materials    Lithium battery anode material artificial graphite fast charging type 5C rate charging

Lithium battery anode material artificial graphite fast charging type 5C rate charging

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  •        AFT-AGBL is an artificial graphite that takes into account capacity, rate and cycle life. After high temperature graphitization, the purity of graphite is improved and the impurity content is reduced. After the surface modification technology of artificial graphite is processed, the compatibility with electrolyte is improved. It has high capacity, high rate, long cycle and other performances. It is suitable for various types of lithium ion in the fields of fast charging, power EV/HEV/PHEV, start-stop power supply, energy storage, 3C digital, etc. battery.


    Item Unit Specification Typical value Instrument/Method 
    Particle Size D10 μm 7. 0 ±2. 0 7.5 Laser particle size analyzer/MASTERSIZER2000
    Particle size analysis-Laser diffraction method
    D50 12. 5 ±2. 0 13.2
    D90 22. 0 ±3. 0 22.5
    Dmax ≤46 45.2
    Tap Density g/cm3 ≥0. 85 1.02 Tap Density Meter/DAT-3
    Metallic powdersdetermination of tap density
    Surface Area m2/g 1. 5 ±0. 4 1.6 American Quantachrome NOVA-4000E Determination of the specific surface area of solids by gas adsorption using the BET method
    Graphitization Degree % ≥93.4 94.5 PW3040/60 XRD diffractometer of PANalytical B.V., Netherlands; X-ray diffraction analysis method
    Discharge Capacity  mAh/g ≥350 352.3 Half battery test, American Arbin multi-channel battery test system, Germany Braun company labstar (1200 / 780) glove box 0.6ma to 5.0mV, 0.3mA to 5.0mV; 0.6ma to 2.0V
    First Discharge Efficiency % ≥92 93.2
    Fixed carbon content % ≥99. 9 99.97 Box type resistance furnace
    Method for chemical analysis of graphite
    Moisture Content % ≤0. 1 0.02 Coulometric titration moisture meter determination of moisture content in chemical products Karl Fischer method
    Ash Content % ≤0.1 0.01 Gravimetric method, sample size 2g, muffle furnace 800 degrees, 5 ~ 6 hours to constant weight


    Scanning electron micrograph







    Compress Density



    Battery sheet absorption time


    Discharge performance


    Cycle performance



    Storage Condition


    1、Suggest storage temperature and humidity controlled below 40 ℃ and 60 %RH, respectively, for brandnew; After opening, please use it up as soon as possible.
    2、After opening for 1 hour, it is a natural phenomenon for moisture regain, implying that moisture content of powder could be increased to 3000 ppm. Suggest drying it again before use.

Model Number:AFT-AGBL
Delivery Time:In Stock